I've always heard the stigma that you shouldn't date someone that you work with. I'm not saying that I agree or disagree with this, but I can tell you that I've followed this rule so far in my life. Most work places have some language in the employee's manual that is kept in HR, but those are usually vague and are added to protect the company in case things turn ugly. Usually the HR employee manuals say that you can't date your boss or someone that has influence over your future in the company, and if for some reason you do it has to be reported so that person can't be involved in the decision making pertaining to your future. However, they don't usually say that you can't date someone that is of equal level and in a different department, but it is frowned upon.
The problem I have with all of this is, we spend most of our time awake at the office each week. If we're going out each night looking for someone then we probably won't be performing our best in the office, and probably won't be employed much longer. I've heard lots of stories of people who met at work and began dating. Most of the time it has worked out, and one of the people in the relationship leave the company and take another job. But what if they stay at the same company and get married. Do they drive to work together? What if they keep different working hours, or one has a deadline. It does seem silly for them to drive separately from the same place to the same place, but then you have to wonder if they are spending to much time together. If you marry someone you work with, it seems likely that you'll never have time away from each other.
I'm not saying that spending time with the person you're dating/married to is a bad thing. I just think that all solid relationships require some personal time. We are built as individuals, and we yearn for companionship. However, to much companionship can be a bad thing. I'm all for the union of marriage, and having a family, but you also need some time of your own to reflect about what is going on in your life.
After saying all of this it seems that I'm not big on dating inside the company, or as some people call it "shitting where you eat." But I will never say never, you just don't know who is going to start tomorrow. He/she could be the person of your dreams, and if that is the case then I don't know how you don't at least attempt to make it work.
Thanks for reading,
Dustin Dominiak
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