Last Friday I took an over night trip to Pittsburgh. It was one of the more interesting days I've had in a while, not just because of the trip, but because life has been anything but boring the last 2 months for me. More about all that later.
So last Friday I met my boy from Detroit half way in Pittsburgh to get away from it all for a night. Well more like to get all fucked up in a different town away from the people that annoy the shit out of us. No matter how you want to describe it, the trip was epic, everything a guy could ask for. While we were hanging out in the room my boy was DJ'ing, and he played some Big Sean. I loved the album, so I got it for myself this week, and it's quickly moved it's way into the regular rotation.
In one of the songs, Big Sean says "what's the point of a perfect girl if it ain't the perfect time". I really dig this line because it's so true. To me it really speaks of the complexity of finding the perfect person. Everything has to be right, or it won't work. If it's not the right time, do you even notice that they could be the perfect one for you? Or are you to distracted by everything else that's going on in your life that you just let them keep on going?
Maybe the better question is if there really is such a thing as the perfect girl. This can obviously be answered differently by everybody. I feel that there is a perfect person for everyone out there, but if there is only 1 then they would be just about impossible to find. Something along the lines of having a soul mate. With over 6 billion people in the world, what are the chances you find the one that is perfect for you? Maybe that's why the divorce rate is so high, people get tired of waiting/searching for their soul mate, and they settle for the person they are with.
I don't think someone should ever settle. It does no good in the long run. Settling is a short term fix that increases complications in the long run. Perhaps that is why I'm still single, because I don't want a short term fix, I want the real thing.
But back to the perfect girl/perfect time dilemma. What do you do if you found the perfect person for you but the timing is wrong? Timing can be wrong for many reasons, to name a few; job complications, moving, lingering feelings from past relationships. Can you let the wrong time keep you from your perfect person? Can you push through it and make it work? I suppose if you want something bad enough you should never give up on it. You can't be afraid to chase your desires. It's easier to do nothing than it is to go after something. When you say no or do nothing life doesn't change, it all stays the same. When you say yes, or go after something, the outcome is unknown, and that can be terrifying. My advice, don't give up. If you think they are perfect for you, then don't let everything else that's happening in your life keep you away from them. The outcome is usually worth the wait.
I'm just one man, and this is my opinion.
Thanks for reading,
Dustin Dominiak
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