Those that know me, would say that I'm not afraid to take chances. However there are some things in life I like to be a little more certain about before I pull the trigger and jump in with both feet. You know, because you shouldn't always jump in the water, sometimes you have to just stick your toe in for a little bit to test the temperature and make sure that everything is kosher before proceeding. Well I took the toe test, and quite honestly I left the toes in longer than I normally do, because this was a more delicate situation than most and I wanted to be 100% certain before getting fully submerged in the water.
Then one night, I found myself all the way in the water. I wasn't quite certain how it happened, but it had happened. The good thing is that I was right. I was taking the right chance. I was happy that I went out on the limb and took the chance, even if it took a little prodding from Mr. Jameson.
Unfortunately, that is not where the story ends, and even worse it doesn't have a happy ending. A little while after jumping in the water, I found myself back on the side, and this time I didn't even have a toe in the water. I was left out to dry, and it sucked. I found myself confused and saddended by what had happened. They say everything happens for a reason, I just wish I knew what the reason was behind this.
I'm an extremely logical person. This time though, I let my emotions over ride logic. The logic was telling me to wait, but my feelings were saying get in the water. I know that hindsight is 20/20, but I should've listened to logic. The writing was on the wall, but I started running with blinders on. Seeing/hearing things the way that I wanted to, and not necessarily the way they were meant to be heard.
In the end though I'm glad that I took the risk, even though it didn't work out the way that I had hoped. Like in sports, where you learn more from a loss than you do a victory, I've learned a few things from this experience. So I'm happy that I took the chance, even though it didn't work out. I was able to gather some valuable insight, that I can use in the future. Don't get me wrong, I still wish this situation would've turned out differently, but I'm not giving up on it completely. I think I'm going to stay on the outside for a little while, but pay closer attention. What I want hasn't changed, but the way of getting to the end result has. Maybe I failed for a reason, and maybe that reason was that I needed a better perspective on this whole situation. Well I got a better perspective on it now. I'm still confused by a few things, but I'm sure with time, like everything else in life, it will all work out.
I'm ready for the next challenge. Bring it on life, you might be able to win a few battles every now and then, but I'm going to win this war.
I'm just one man and this is my opinion.
Thanks for reading,
Dustin Dominiak
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