Thursday, June 2, 2011

nothing to write about

I'm not really sure what I want to write.  I enjoy posting blogs, but for some reason haven't had much motivation the past 6 months to do so.  The blog gives you the ability to express yourself without censorship.  It can be utilized in many ways.  Some people use it as a diary of some sorts, others use it as a way to track progress on a project or to talk about how their diet is going.  No matter what you use your blog for keep using it.  I like to write about things that are on my mind.  Different thoughts that I have throughout the day, and want to explore a little further, so I'll come home do a little research and type away.
But lately, nothing.  No blogs.  It's not like I haven't had the motivation, I've been wanting to write a blog really bad for the past month or so.  But what to write about?  Some of my thoughts lately have grown into more than a 3 or 4 paragraph blog can hold.  Should I write it anyway, not caring about length?  Should I break it out into 2 or 3 parts depending on how long it is?  Or should I not write about it at all?  Not sure why, but I've been going with the latter.
Not writing anything at all, is definitely the path or least resistance.  Humans have a tendency to travel this path, and I've fallen in line with the general society.  But why do we take the path of least resistance?  Are we lazy as a whole?  Do we just want to get it over with?  Or is there something better for us to do that we don't want to take more time to do something than we actually have to?  I believe it's the last one.  You know, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence type of thing.

Wow, that was a bunch of crap, sorry if you took the time to read this, but thanks.

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